Figaro @ Estates Theater, Prague7/16/2022 LE NOZZE DI FIGARO
June/July 2022: Their first year back post pandemic, The Prague Summer Nights festival brought over 50 Orchestra Musicians, 50 Singers, and a whole teaching faculty, out for a month of wildly gorgeous programming in some of the most honored performance spaces for music. As the culmination of their month long festival, a double cast Le Nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni are put up at the stunning Estates Theater in Prague. Anna directed Le Nozze Di Figaro, giving both casts rigorous physical demands and scenework training during the process, while keeping every storytelling moment clear, fun, and light. Costumes are designed by the renowned Czech artist and national treasure Theodor Pistek.
Due to covid protocols, Juilliard's spring main stage opera, L'Elisir d'amore, by Donizetti, had specific spacing rules to navigate (12 ft apart when singing), and all the cast were masked for the performance. However! Director John Giampietro added such fun and surprise to his NYC subway staging of this piece, the singers were able to shine, even from the nose up! Anna assisted John, helping him keep his vision clean, and she was also responsible for the choreography to depict motion on the subway. Despite the rules, an excellent and bright time for all involved. Full production available to view: January 12th, 20211/12/2021 “Anna Rebek works beautifully with her colleagues and garners great respect from them as well as from her audiences. Her work demonstrates a remarkable visual sensibility, a strong physicality and considerable emotional depth. She has an innate and passionate understanding of the theatrical event and her work emanates intellectual rigor She has a deep understanding of movement and choreography and is able to use both in surprising and effective ways. She is hardworking and responsible, has a wonderful sense of humor and brings both lightness and intense rigor to her rehearsals and performances.” - Anne Bogart
So Sad So Sexy @ Rising Sun11/14/2019 Anna was asked by Emily Cordes to direct a devised piece written by Emily and two other talented playwrights, Kendra Augustin and Allison Leaf. They had been given space on Governor's Island for Rising Sun Theatre. For one week Anna, the writers, and the cast put a visually stark piece together - highlighting the ways in which women are fetishized for their mental instabilities.Taking on MARAT/SADE was no small feat for Anna. Meetings with Brian Kulick about the core issues of the text illuminated the ideological differences between Marat and DeSade. Marat believes our political structures could be "turned inside out" and "seen with fresh eyes" but only after total revolution. DeSade has seen what revolution does to humanity- he doesn't believe humans are capable of fundamental change. He believes humans are carnal, violent, and therefore need oppression. |
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